Monday, December 14, 2009

Heal your life... extract from Louise Hays book

This book has helped me in so many ways to understand myself, the way i think and mainly the reasons I act... definately a recommended read for anyone...
Louise Hay,
You Can Heal Your Life
, Part 1

Life is Really Very Simple. What We Give Out, We Get Back

What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us. I believe that everyone, myself included, is responsible for everything in our lives, the best and the worst. Every thought we think is creating our future. Each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and our feelings. The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences.

We create the situations, and then we give our power away by blaming the other person for our frustration. No person, no place, and no thing has any power over us, for "we" are the only thinkers in it. When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives.

Which of these statements sounds like you?

"People are out to get me."
"Everyone is always helpful."

Each one of these beliefs will create quite different experiences. What we believe about ourselves and about life becomes true for us.

The Universe Totally Supports Us in Every Thought We Choose to Think and Believe

Put another way, our subconscious mind accepts whatever we choose to believe. They both mean that what I believe about myself and about life becomes true for me. What you choose to think about yourself and about life becomes true for you. And we have unlimited choices about what we can think.

When we know this, then it makes sense to choose "Everyone is always helpful," rather than "People are out to get me."

The Universal Power Never Judges or Criticizes Us

It only accepts us at our own value. Then it reflects our beliefs in our lives. If I want to believe that life is lonely and that nobody loves me, then that is what I will find in my world.

Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life, Part 2

However, if I am willing to release that belief and to affirm for myself that "Love is everywhere, and I am loving and lovable," and to hold on to that new affirmation and to repeat it often, then it will become true for me. Now, loving people will come into my life, the people already in my life will become more loving to me, and I will find myself easily expressing love to others.

Most of Us Have Foolish Ideas about Who We Are and Many, Many Rigid Rules about How Life Ought to Be Lived

This is not to condemn us, for each of us is doing the very best we can at this very moment. If we knew better, if we had more understanding and awareness, then we would do it differently. Please don't put yourself down for being where you are. The very fact that you have found this book and have discovered me means that you are ready to make a new, positive change in your life. Acknowledge yourself for this. "Men don't cry!" "Women can't handle money!" What limiting ideas to live with.

When We Are Very Little, We Learn How to Feel about Ourselves and about Life by the Reactions of the Adults Around Us

It is the way we learn what to think about ourselves and about our world. Now, if you lived with people who were very unhappy, frightened, guilty, or angry, then you learned a lot of negative things about yourself and about your world.

"I never do anything right." "Its my fault." "If I get angry, I'm a bad person."

Beliefs like this create a frustrating life.

When We Grow Up, We Have a Tendency to Recreate the Emotional Environment of Our Early Home Life

This is not good or bad, right or wrong; it is just what we know inside as "home." We also tend to recreate in our personal relationships the relationships we had with our mothers or with our fathers, or what they had between them. Think how often you have had a lover or a boss who was "just like" your mother or father.

We also treat ourselves the way our parents treated us. We scold and punish ourselves in the same way. You can almost hear the words when you listen. We also love and encourage ourselves in the same way, if we were loved and encouraged as children.

"You never do anything right." "It's all your fault." How often have you said this to yourself?

"You are wonderful." "I love you." How often do you tell yourself this?

Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life, Part 3Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life, Part 4

The Only Thing We Are Ever Dealing With Is a Thought, and a Thought Can Be Changed

No matter what the problem is, our experiences are just outer effects of inner thoughts. Even self-hatred is only hating a thought you have about yourself. You have a thought that says, "I'm a bad person." This thought produces a feeling, and you buy into the feeling. However, if you don’t have the thought, you wont have the feeling. And thoughts can be changed. Change the thought, and the feeling must go.

This is only to show us where we get many of our beliefs. But let’s not use this information as an excuse to stay stuck in our pain. The past has no power over us. It doesn't matter how long we have had a negative pattern. The point of power is in the present moment. What a wonderful thing to realize! We can begin to be free in this moment!

Believe it or Not, We Do Choose our Thoughts

We may habitually think the same thought over and over so that it does not seem we are choosing the thought. But we did make the original choice. We can refuse to think certain thoughts. Look how often you have refused to think a positive thought about yourself. Well, you can also refuse to think a negative thought about yourself.

It seems to me that everyone on this planet whom I know or have worked with is suffering from self-hatred and guilt to one degree or another. The more self-hatred and guilt we have, the less our lives work. The less self-hatred and guilt we have, the better our lives work, on all levels.However, I Would Not Blame Our Parents for This

We are all victims of victims, and they could not possibly have taught us anything they did not know. If your mother did not know how to love herself, or your father did not know how to love himself, then it would be impossible for them to teach you to love yourself.

They were doing the best they could with what they had been taught as children. If you want to understand your parents more, get them to talk about their own childhood; and if you listen with compassion, you will learn where their fears and rigid patterns come from. Those people who "did all that stuff to you" were just as frightened and scared as you are.

I Believe That We Choose Our Parents

Each one of us decides to incarnate upon this planet at a particular point in time and space. We have chosen to come here to learn a particular lesson that will advance us upon our spiritual, evolutionary pathway. We choose our sex, our color, our country, and then we look around for the particular set of parents who will mirror the pat-tern we are bringing in to work on in this lifetime. Then, when we grow up, we usually point our fingers accusingly at our parents and whimper, "You did it to me." But really, we chose them because they were perfect for what we wanted to work on overcoming.

We learn our belief systems as very little children, and then we move through life creating experiences to match our beliefs. Look back in your own life and notice how often you have gone through the same experience. Well, I believe you created those experiences over and over because they mirrored something you believed about yourself. It doesn't really matter how long we have had a problem, or how big it is, or how life-threatening it is.

The Point of Power Is Always in the Present Moment

All the events you have experienced in your lifetime up to. this moment have been created by your thoughts and beliefs you have held in the past. They were created by the thoughts and words you used yesterday, last week, last month, last year, 10, 20, 30, 40, or more years ago, depending on how old you are.

However, that is your past. It is over and done with. What is important in this moment is what you are choosing to think and believe and say right now. For these thoughts and words will create your future. Your point of power is in the present moment and forming the experience of tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, and so on.

You might notice what thought you are thinking at this moment. Is it negative or positive? Do you want this thought to be creating your future? Just notice and be aware.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Secrets to beauty...

Eggshell therapy

Eggshells are not trash. They are helpful in the treatment of osteoporosis. They are an ideal source of calcium that is 90% absorbable by our bones. Besides calcium carbonate, eggshells contain all the microelements essential for our body: copper, fluorine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, sulfur, silicon, zinc, and other – 27 elements in total. The composition of an eggshell is very similar to that of our bones and teeth. German and Hungarian scientists who researched the influence of eggshell therapy on the human body concluded that for both children and adults it had positive results against breaking nails and hair, bleeding gums, constipation, hypersensitivity, insomnia, chronic colds, and asthma.

Eggshell therapy offers invaluable benefits in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis without causing any side effects. The therapy is simple and does not require any expenses.

Recipe Immerse an eggshell in boiling water for 5 minutes, let it dry, and grind it in a coffee grinder. Take 0.009-0.018oz (0.5-1g) a day. You can mix it with juice squeezed from one half of a lemon or add it to your grains and cottage cheese for osteoporosis prevention. Use this therapy for 30 days twice a year (January and November).

Other Ways to Help our Nails is to Drink Juices.

Carrot juice
Carrot juice contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, PP, K, E, and others. It improves the condition of our teeth, hair, and nails; removes the ulcerations of our stomach and duodenum; strengthens our immune system against present and future infections; positively affects our eyes and throat.

Cucumber juice
Cucumber juice is the best natural means to induce urination. It improves hair growth thanks to the high levels of silicon and sulfur. The juice contains elements necessary for life – 40% potassium, 10% sodium, 7.5% calcium, 20% phosphorus, and 7% chlorine. The high level of potassium makes it very valuable for people with high blood pressure. Our nails and hair particularly need the elements found in cucumber juice. You can drink half a glass a day of pure cucumber juice or include it in a vegetable cocktail

Green pepper juice
Green pepper juice is rich in silicon, which is essential for our nails and hair. People suffering from excessive gas and frequent colic can get relief by drinking a glass of green pepper juice on an empty stomach in the morning.\\

The Do-It-Yourself Cholesterol Treatment

Would you believe that most commercially bought cholesterol hair conditioners contain alcohol– the very thing that dries out hair? Instead, grab a cup full of mayonnaise, some plastic food wrap and throw a couple of towels in the drier on high.

Work the mayonnaise into your hair, starting by massaging it into the scalp and roots. Then draw it through to your ends until your hair is thoroughly coated. Pile the hair on top of your head. Take a couple of feet of saran wrap and wrap it around the top of your head to contain the mayo.

Take a pre-heated towel from the dryer and wrap it around your head over the saran wrap. The heat will aid with deep conditioning. After about 10 minutes, change to another heated towel and leave that on for another 10 minutes.

Remove the towel and plastic wrap and shampoo your hair as usual. Done once a month, this cholesterol treatment will keep your hair soft and shiny.

* Tip: if your hair ends are very damaged from chemical treatment, you can do this once a week. If your scalp is naturally oily, you might want to only add mayo to the hair ends for weekly treatments.

How to Grow Eyebrows Back

You can, however, grow your eyebrows a lot faster through natural and scientific methods. You can start with the following:

0.iOlive oil. Olive oil is very easy to procure. You just need to buy them from the groceries. Applying it is also very simple. You have to spread a small amount of it from the Q-tip of the hair. Ensure that you only put the oil to the spot where you want your hairs to grow. If you have some eyebrow hairs, you can comb them using a special brush or even a toothbrush. Go for the direction where you want the hair to be. You can do this every night and simply wash the oil off in the morning.

0.Vaseline. Vaseline is also another favorite product for growing beautiful eyebrows. The procedure is almost the same as olive oil, though you may have to apply this at least twice a day. If the olive oil can speed up the growth of hairs, Vaseline can promote thicker eyebrows, which you need to make them appear bolder. You can also have more control as to how you can thin out your eyebrows later on.

0.Castor Oil. This combines the essential benefits of the other two. Thus, besides growing your eyebrows very fast, they can also be made thicker.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Getting that one guy YOU want..

Unfortunately for most of us we always seem to fall head over heels for a man that never wants to commit is is completely unobtainable. Usually its because we go the wrong way about it, for years I suffered chasing and persisting with the men i wanted and through experience, trial and error I finally figured out how to catch my prey.

you say you want a relationship? But the guys don't want to settle down with you? The answer is that somewhere along the way, you're aren't playing the game or at least playing it correctly. There are a few easy steps to getting the guy you want, and it comes from the same way guys get women's attention.

My first very big tip in anything in life is BELEIF, make sure you believe you will have him, tell yourself you will turn over every rock to be with the one you want! If you don't believe in yourself then he wont believe in you either.

Show you're interested, once

So you see the guy you like across the room, and you notice he's checking you out, here's your chance to say I like you too. You could:

• Make eye contact. Call him over with your eyes so that he knows you're interested

• Smile so that he knows you're friendly

• Wink, a little flirting never hurt anyone.

After this you shouldn't flood his phone with calls or put any more effort into showing him you care. You gave him your number didn't you? That's enough to let him know you're interested. now its up to him.

Don't call him

So you got his attention. Now you just have to wait on the call or the text. Never call him, ever. Until you feel established enough as a couple or at least being exclusive, let him do the work. If he wants you, he'll show you by calling. If he doesn't call, he isn't thinking about you.The rules of men are simple while us women sit and ponder reasons on why he actually hasn't called like "oh he's too shy" or "maybe he thinks i'll call him" fact of the matter is men are predators and like to catch their prey. No one wants it easy and thats simple. It is time to move back to step one with a new guy if you don't hear from him, its warning bells he's not for you.

Get a life

Do not, I repeat, do not sit by the phone waiting on him to call you. It is not attractive. What is great about
relationships is that you have two people bringing something to the plate to talk about so that they can get to know each other. No one wants a girl who has no depth to her except when it comes to pleasing her man. Get a hobby and get used to loving yourself.
Be sociable with your friends and never lose your Independence.I lived with a guy once and totally lost who I was and most of my friends. I was so wrapped up in him that we actually broke up because I almost smothered him, when he left me I could barely function without him. So big mistake to lose your identity all for him because he won't do it for you.

Keep your options open

Always keep in mind that until you are in a committed relationship, there is no reason not to play the field. Just because you meet one new guy does not mean you have to drop every guy you are talking to at the moment. Dating is all about the elimination process. You date so that you can figure out what it is you want in a guy. Also keeping your options open means getting rid of the ones who do not fit your standards. Test and try.

Give them a chance

Give these guys a chance. I have seen girls eliminate great guys from their choices because of some small things that could easily be fixed such as a bad pair of shoes. Come on girls, if he is great in all the other areas, does a pair of dusty shoes really matter? ok if you cant get past the whole shoe thing then I can probably say that if your intuition is so strong that you can barely stand the thought of hi name, fair enough he may not be the one for you but at the same time don't discourage him too for the petty things just because your scared of getting hurt. Life and love are a risk and sometimes if you don't take the risk you'll never know.

How to make a man fall in love with you...

You see a man across the room, your heart skips a beat, you feel an instant attraction for this man, and you wonder if he could feel the same way about you. Or, maybe you already know a man who you have intense feelings for, you may talk to him regularly, possibly you have even been on a few dates with him. You're starting to fall in love, but the problem is that you are afraid of scaring him away if he doesn't feel the same way about you. What can you do in this situation? How can you get that one man to notice you and pay attention to you? How do you make him fall in love with you?

1 Become very attractive. Women are attracted to someone emotionally, men on the other hand are creatures of sight. They must be attracted to you physically at first. Do your best to make yourself look good. Be healthy, and get into shape. Make sure that you take, time to fix your hair, put lotion on your skin, take care of your teeth, shape and paint your nails. Have good hygiene. Make sure your clothes look good on you, and that they are not 2 sizes to small or to big for you. Develop self-confidence, and work on your self-esteem, tell yourself everyday that you are beautiful, smart, and caring. What will ultimately attract a man is your attitude about yourself.

2 Find your faults and fix them. Make a checklist of all the things that you can find about yourself that need to be fixed. These could be bad breath, bad language, poor manners, unpleasant body odor, dishonesty, or excessive gossiping. What you have to do is seek out your faults and fix them so they don't effect the impression that you are trying to make.

3 Work on your people skills. Getting people to like you is a product of practicing effective people skills. Good people skills include, having a friendly manner, avoiding arguments, making others feel important, never telling others that they are wrong, talking about what interests others and not just yourself, giving sincere compliments, and not criticizing or complaining.

4 Learn how to make small talk. If you want to become a master conversationalist, you must, have something good to say and say it well, speak with appropriate emotions, know what you should not say, focus on listening, give your full attention, offer positive non-verbal feed back and help him get into his flow.

5 Get him to let his guard down. Take the pressure off of the situation by being down-to-earth, and adding a little tasteful humor. Admit some of your minor mistakes in order to make yourself seem more real in the man's eyes. Some teasing may also entice him to do the same, but again keep it tasteful.

6 Give him a taste of you at your best. Make a good impression on him by showing him the hottie, sweet heart, and the down to earth woman that you are.

7 Position yourself for, and emotional moment. Timing is very important when it comes to making an impression on a man. When your emotions are running high is the time to give him a sample of your best. It is at these moments that memories of all kinds get imprinted deeply into his mind, heart, and Your love life can be very frustrating and disappointing when you don't have a clue what cause things to happen. However, dating, romance, and love can be wonderful experiences when you grow into a woman who naturally deserves and attains the dreams that she has. Falling in love is something that happens naturally, but being at your best, will help things along.